Jan 10, 2010


Just got done with my last Sunday and celebrations at Trinity.

First sermons are easy. Last sermons - not so much. Beginnings are always easier.

Because of what I do, I am a logophile (lover of words). I have used the word bittersweet in many other contexts but at no other time has this word seem so appropriate as today.


I cannot help but be expectant about the new beginning and what God has in store for me and my family in Lakewood. I am excited about the new people we will be meeting, about the new ministries that will be starting, about the new lives that we will be intersecting with.

The anticipation of the new life and ministry is very sweet indeed.

But at the same time, the thought of leaving is very bitter. Leaving would be so easy if weren't for the incredible people we've met at Trinity. I have no problems leaving a location. There's nothing inherently great and incredible about The Colony, Dallas, or Texas. I have no regrets or remorse about the thought of leaving Texas. What I am going to miss is the people. I will miss the times - good and bad - that I've shared with the people of Trinity.

And because of the life we shared, I will always treasure Trinity and The Colony. I will never be able to think about Dallas or The Colony or Trinity without thinking about the people of Trinity.


That just about sums it up.

God bless you Trinity!

Here I come Little Church!

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