Feb 18, 2010

The Church - Far from Perfect, but Ain't No Better Place for a Sinner Like Me and You!

Eugene Peterson writes in Practice Resurrection, "Many Christians find church to be the most difficult aspect of being a Christian."

I share this quote for a couple of reasons.

First, because it is a true statement. Who of us, who has spent any time in church, can deny the truth of this statement. Most of us still carry around the scars and wounds from our time in church.

Second, I share this quote as an encouragement.

Encouragement? How is this word encouraging?

I'm glad you asked.

The church is far from perfect. And the good news is that the Bible never said that the church would be a perfect place. The only thing that God promised in giving to us the church was that the church would be a place where selfish sinners can gather to belong, to work together for a common cause and goal, where when the church begins living as she has been called to live, can be a light in a dark world.

There is no better place for folks like you and me to be than in a church that is practicing resurrection life together. And as long as we are pursuing the goals and vision of Jesus Christ - as long as it's not the pastor's vision, or the elders' or deacons' vision, or the goals of any particular individual or person - as long as it's Christ's vision and mission, that church is salt and light.

But that's the key isn't it? It's got to be Christ's agenda. It's got to be about the ministry and the mission of Jesus Christ.

So what is Jesus all about?

Jesus is all about reconciling sinners to himself. And reconciliation happens in two primary ways:
1) as sinners become Christ-followers - Growing new Christians
2) as Christ-followers begin resembling Jesus - Growing faithful disciples of Jesus Christ

The church never claims to be perfect. The church will never be. At least not until Christ returns.

But, when the church starts growing new Christians and growing faithful disciples, and makes this her only priority:

  • people get saved
  • people start growing up
  • people start serving
  • people start living life with purpose and passion
  • people start healing up
  • lives get changed
  • the world gets changed
And through all this God gets the glory!

No. The church is far from perfect. But, there is no better place for sinners like you and me to gather. Because when we're all about the ministry of Jesus Christ to Grow new Christians and Grow faithful disciples, the church begins breaking through the darkness to start shining the light of Jesus Christ.

Thank God for the church.

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