"Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow; for this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: That which is devoted is among you, O Israel. You cannot stand against your enemies until you remove it" Joshua 7:11-13.
You cannot stand against your enemies until you remove it.
Aren't you curious what "it" is? If God tells you that the reason for your suffering, the reason for your losses, the reason for your devastation is because of "it". And if you remove "it" the curse too will be lifted, wouldn't you want to know with everything you have what "it" is?
I know I would be.
This passage is the story of Achan. You see, the Israelites just got done destroying Jericho - remember Jericho, march around the city for seven days and on the seventh day blow the trumpet and shout and the walls would come tumbling down. Remember the story of Rahab the prostitute and how she saved the spies of Israel and in return she and her family was saved.
You can read all about it in Joshua chapters 5 and 6.
When the Israelites routed Jericho, God gave specific instructions of how the Israelites were to destroy everything and everyone. Only the gold and silver, and articles of bronze and iron were to be saved for the treasury of the house of God.
But someone cheated. They kept some of the items dedicated to God for themselves.
And as a result, the Israelites - who just got done defeating one of the greatest cities of the time in Jericho - just got their butts whooped by Ai. This would be the same as the British Armed forces defeating the Russian Army and then getting their butts whooped by Angola.
And the reason why the Israelites were routed? Well, because of "it". They had stolen from God. They had sinned against God.
And here's the thing. God says that the reason for the suffering and pain in our world is because of "it", and as long as "it" stays around we will never be able to defeat our enemies, then why aren't we doing everything we can to get rid of "it"?
That's a great question.
So, who don't you do something about "it" today?
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