Jul 18, 2010

If You Don't Bring It, It Won't Be Brought

Nothing happening today is catching God off guard.

God is not panicking because of the violence, the broken homes, the broken hearts.

God, in his perfect sovereignty knew at this particular time, our family, our spouse, our children, our church, our community would need God to intervene. So God created you with your exact gifts, your particular talents, your particular abilities and temperament for your particular place in life so that he can meet those needs through you.

Just let that sink in.

Because you and I are uniquely gifted and because we have been uniquely fashioned, there is a ministry and service that only you and I can do with God's help. Should you or I choose not to serve God, there will be a hole left by our absence that can never be replaced.

Only you can do what you were created to do.

Here's what this means: The church is only fully vital, fully vigorous when every Christ-follower engages and serves Christ through their lives.

Simply put, if you don't bring it, it won't be brought!

Now, let that sink in.

Rick Warren, in his book, "Purpose Driven Life" says it like this:

We don't realize how truly unique each of us is. DNA molecules can unite in an infinite number of ways. The number is 10 to the 2,400,000,000th power. That number is the likelihood that you'd every find somebody just like you. If you were to write that number with each zero being one inch wide, you'd need a strip of paper 37,000 miles long!

When God made you, He broke the mold. There has never been, and never will be, anyone exactly like you.

Christian! Engage! Serve! Give God your service and let God change the world through you!

Now, let that sink in.


teacher_deb said...

Please take a lok at this blog from one of my (right noe) favorite Christian music artists Matt Maher. His recent blog seemed to go with this blog of yours... and seemed to go with head along the lines of missions..and being Hopspitable no matter where you are.. Just thought it might be of interest!

teacher_deb said...

DUH!! here is the weblinkl!


teacher_deb said...

Here is a blog you might like to see:
