Nov 28, 2009


I trust you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

There are many reasons to give thanks.

I am grateful for an amazingly beautiful wife who loves me and supports me. My life is so much richer because of her.

I am thankful for Karis, Kaitlin, Kailey, and Kaleb. They are such awesome kids. They make life so much fun and exciting. I love their passion for life and their budding faith in Jesus Christ.

I thank God for my sister Grace and her husband Miguel and my two beautiful nieces. Not only are Grace and Miguel my family, but they are my friends!

I thank God for an amazing church. The people at Trinity truly make serving Christ a privilege and joy. I love to see God working through a geroup of committed folk.

And this Thanksgiving, I must thank God for the gift of life. There was a time in February when I wasn't sure how many more days I might see. But through God's help, modern medicine, and a quadruple bypass later, I am doing better than I have in years. Every day is a gift from God.

And that is true whether you've had a close call with death or not.

Most of all, I thank God for Christ who gives me peace, purpose, and direction in my life. Because no matter what happens, I know that I'm good for eternity. And that's a pretty awesome place to start your everyday with.

So what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

James <><
twitter @jameskimtpc
Sent via BlackBerry

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