Feb 28, 2013

Not All Good Things are God Things

Not all good things are God things.

One ways many of us miss out on God things is by having overcommitted to too many good things. By doing so we end up either missing out on God things, or, just as bad, we are unable to give our best to God things.

Nothing wrong with volunteering with your kid's baseball team, nothing wrong with working with your girl's Girl Scouts troop, nothing wrong with singing in the choir, volunteering with the youth, ushering, serving in the kitchen, working with the homeless, teaching a Bible Study, joining a Bible Study and a whole host of other good things.

These are all good things, and someone has to do them.

In fact, some of these may very well be a God thing for some.

But the thing is, all these good things can't be God's thing for any one person because none of us are capable of doing all of these things excellently and wholeheartedly.

Here are some universal God things that apply to all.

  • All should set aside time to pray and listen to God.
  • All should set aside time to read God's word and meditate on his truth.
  • All should set aside time to be in community with God's people.
  • All should set aside time to worship God on the Lord's Day.
  • All should set aside time to serve in their area of ministry.
That's a lot of time!


But these are things that are the basics of growing up in the faith. 

Too many are involved in way too many other things while neglecting their main things.

Not all good things are God things.

We need the wisdom and the discernment to say "No" to many good things so we can say "Yes" God's thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, Pastor James. I get your point! I need to work a little harder on the God things! Enjoyed meeting with you and Pastor Brad today. Carla