Mar 7, 2008

Blogging and Postings and Comments

I've been doing this blogging thing now for about seven months. I write these blogs mainly to keep my thoughts fresh and clear. I also blog with the hopes that I can be an encouragement and be of help to others.

What I am asking you to do is to leave your comments. I know many of you frequently check out the blog and I thank you for that.

What I would love to see happen with the blogs is more conversations taking place - both with me and with others about the things you see written on this blog. There are things I can learn from you and I feel like I'm missing out on these things.

Bottom line, I am asking you to leave your thoughts and comments. I would love to be in conversation with you all about what God is doing.

I know that there are others out there who are as hungry and thirsty as I am about seeing God at work.

Have a great weekend! Give them heaven wherever you go.

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