Sep 30, 2010

A Great Reminder for Every Preacher as We Prepare Sermons

If you're a pastor, minister of the Word and Sacrament, preacher, reverend, priest you will be spending the next few days working and perfecting the sermon for the weekend.

As you do, I invite you to take a moment to reflect. Don't just speed through these words. Slow down. Let them sink in. Chew on them. Let them soak through your heart and mind.

What we have the privilege of doing - proclaiming Jesus Christ and his glory - is a tremendous privilege. It is not our words people need.

I have been reading through a book called "The Art of Pastoring: Contemplative Reflections" by William Martin. These next words are from his book.

You are a minister of the Word
but not of words.
The Word was in the beginning before words
and beyond words.
And whether they weave sophisticated patterns 
of intellectual magic,
or they strike with passion
at the heart of the people's emotions,
words are not Word
For the Word is inexhaustible.
One can only stand in wonder
and point.
William C Martin