Mar 27, 2013

One of the Best Letters Ever in the History of Humankind!!!

One of the best letters ever in the history of humankind!!!

That's right.

The Little Church on the Prairie had the privilege of receiving one of the greatest and most encouraging letters ever written in the history of human kind.

No...I am not exaggerating.

This letter, in so many ways, exemplifies why the Little Church does what we do.

We have committed to making Lakewood a better place because Jesus is Lord. We are not interested in building bigger monuments to the Little Church for we don't believe that makes much of a Kingdom difference. We have committed to investing ourselves, our finances, and our talents to being a part of establishing God's kingdom right here in Lakewood as it is in heaven.

One of the coolest things we do is the Thanksgiving Baskets. We provide boxes of food with all the fixings that a family needs to have a Thanksgiving feast in their own homes. We believe that families ought to enjoy Thanksgiving in their own homes rather than having to come out to church or anywhere else to get food.

We believe there is more dignity for parents to provide the Thanksgiving meals in their own homes for their children.

We prepare baskets full of food - turkey, yam, corn, bread, stuffing, veggies, salads, dessert, etc. Last year over 1,450 people were able to celebrate Thanksgiving in their own homes because of this ministry.

A while back we received a letter from one of the kids who's family received a basket.

Here's what he wrote:
"Thank you for helping others, donating, and more. If you didn't donated, we will be ful of hunger."


That's why we do what we do.

We want to see God make a difference through the Little Church because Jesus is real.

This is what it's all about!

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