Dec 3, 2010

Problem is not Ambition...It's Unchecked and unGodly Ambition

Godly ambition is not only good, but it is absolutely necessary.

Godly ambition is the fuel that turns dreams into reality.

The problem is not ambition...the problem is unchecked and unGodly ambition.

Ambition is the result of having hope...
  • Hope that God can actually change the world
  • Hope that God is still at work to bring about renewal
  • Hope that things can get better
Without ambition nothing would change.
  • Churches wouldn't be planted
  • Dreams would remain dormant
  • Lives wouldn't be impacted
The problem is not ambition...the problem is unchecked and unGodly ambition.

When our hearts and ambitions are submitted to Jesus Christ, God uses our ambitions as a tool to change the world.

When our hearts are not submitted to Jesus Christ, ambition uses us as a tool to inflict harm and damage to us and to the people around us.

Don't ever give up hope that God can change the world. Because God always uses people who refuse to let the darkness and the suffering in our world dampen the hope and the faith that God is still at work to bring transformation.

Just make sure that our hearts and ambitions are submitted to Jesus Christ!

God is at work.

Christ is Immanuel.

Merry Christmas!


Dave Hackett said...

This is a wonderful point you've made, James. It would be helpful to further expand on describing "unchecked and ungodly ambition."

One element of unchecked ambition, I'd suggest, is pursuing goals "alone" - undertaking them without a collaborative heart to join together with others on the goal(s) identified. That's where I see ego rise ("I'm the best, the biggest") and it's where duplication enters in as well ("I don't care what others are doing; my doing it is what's important").

Unknown said...

Thanks Dave for the comment. Unchecked and unGodly ambition leads to ruin for the individual and for those around them.

I think it's worth reflecting more about "unchecked and unGodly ambition." Will try to do that with the next blog.


Anonymous said...


Good stuff!

About 20 years ago I wrote an article for LEADERSHIP journal on the topic. Here's the URL:

The mixture of ambition and altruism is always an interesting subject. Thanks for bringing it up.

Jim Berkley
Bellevue, WA