May 28, 2013

What's With the Team Preaching?

For those of you who are regular attenders at the Little Church on the Prairie might have noticed that we've had two preachers co-preaching on Sunday mornings.

What's with the two preachers or team preaching?

Here's a simple truth: all people need Jesus.

Nothing will ever change that. People need what only God can give through his Son Jesus Christ.

Question: are there more effective ways to communicate Jesus to our generation? Is preaching in a lecture style the only way to "preach" Jesus?

The pastoral staff at LCOP are convinced that lecture style teaching is not the only way, and perhaps not even the most effective way to communicate Jesus to our generation.

Here are the goals for our preaching at LCOP:

  • discover better ways to communicate Jesus
  • discover more effective ways to communicate the truths of God in a way that leads to life transformation

While we search, experiment, and discern more effective ways to "preach" Jesus, we want to be crystal clear that our intent is not novelty or just innovating for innovation sake. Novelty gets old real fast. And Innovation is only useful when it is useful.

What we want our preaching to be about is communicating Jesus was faithfully and effectively as possible. We'll do whatever it takes to do that.

The emerging generations learn best through communication/dialogue rather than through lecture. The pastors of LCOP want to model communication and dialogue in our preaching.

We covet your prayers and thoughts as LCOP seeks better ways to reach people for Jesus.

For the glory of God!

Pastors James, Brad, and Cheryl

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