Jan 18, 2008

Acts 2 Church - A Worshipping Church

In the past week, we have been looking at the traits that allowed the Acts 2 church to experience phenomenal growth and vitality. I do not think Acts 2 Church was the aberration, but the norm of the church which Jesus proclaimed, "Against such a church the gates of hell shall not prevail."

Should our churches put to practice these four traits, I believe we too can experience the same Holy Spirit working in powerful ways in our churches.

The third trait of the Acts 2 Church was that it was a worshiping church. “They devoted themselves to the breaking of bread and to prayer."
  • This is not referring to sharing a common meal. While sharing a meal with one another is a good thing for the community, this is not what Acts 2 is referring to.
  • The Greek has the definite article in front of both the words for bread and prayer, so that it reads, “They devoted themselves to the breaking of the bread and to the prayer.” This is in reference to both the Lord's Table and to the corporate prayer life of the church.
  • They were committed to spending the Lord’s day the Lord’s way in God’s house.
  • Because Jesus was their Lord and Savior, they worshiped God.
  • Worship is not a thing of convenience. Worship must be a non-negotiable for a Christ-follower.
  • The Acts Chapter 2 church committed themselves to the Apostle’s teaching – Bible Study, to Biblical fellowship – generous giving and genuine caring, and to worship – to spend the Lord’s day the Lord’s way.

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