Nov 30, 2008

The Shack by William Young

I recently finished reading "The Shack" by William Young.

It's interesting that this book has cause such a controversy amongst Christian leaders.

Folks I respect like Mark Driscoll tells people not to read the book because it makes heretical claims about God and the Trinity.

And then there are other Christians leaders I respect like Eugene Peterson who equates "The Shack" as the modern day version of "The Pilgrim's Progress."

How can there be such divergent views on this book.

I was curious so I wanted to read the book for myself.

Here's my two cents on this - The Shack is no systematic theology. But that's perfectly fine. It never intended to be so. It's a novel. It's a fictional story about how grace and mercy and healing can break into a person's life. It was never intended to be a theological text book. It's a book about grace.

And when read as such, it is a marvelous book that demonstrates the awesome healing powers of God through grace.

Just as "Pilgrim's Progress" is not meant to teach systematic theology, neither is that the purpose of "The Shack."

And just as the fictional book "Pilgrim's Progress" teaches some monumental truths about God and who we are, so does this fictional book called "The Shack."

I whole-heartedly recommend that you go pick this book up and read it. You won't regret it.

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