Oct 8, 2009

Praising God in Anxious Times

I'm finding myself at a terribly confusing point in my life.
  • I know that God is on control
  • I know that all things will work out for the good for those who love Jesus. I have no doubts about that. 
  • I have no idea how God's going to make it all work out. I have NO IDEA.
In fact, everything around me is telling me that it's not going to work. And it's the disconnect between what I'm seeing and what I believe that's the source of the anxiety.

Shouldn't knowing that God is in control be enough?

Well, yes. That should be enough. But, the truth is I don't feel much peace or certainty. In fact I'm feeling a lot of the opposites - anxiety, confusion, fear.

Two things about this:

First, I think God is quite okay with this. This is one of the things that makes us human. This is what makes faith, faith. The Psalmist knew God was God, and yet there were plenty of moments in the Psalmist's life when he cried out to God in total desperation.

Second, I am quite okay with this. This is what it means to trust God with all my heart.

So here's the deal. I'm not going to pretend as though I'm not anxious. There's no point to that. It is what it is.

But more importantly, I am not going to allow my anxiety to imprison me. I am going to live by faith. I am going to live as though the faith reality is the reality and live into to that faith reality until God makes it happen - anxiety and all.

And I am going to praise God in the midst of my anxiety.

James <><
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