Jun 26, 2010

Yawn...The General Assembly of the PC(USA) will Gather One Week from Now

A week from today, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) will convene in Minneapolis, MN.

Bet you didn't know that.

Bet most of you couldn't give a rip what the GA does or doesn't do in Minneapolis.

There's no one holding their breath wondering, hoping that the Presbyterians would set the world aright by what will take place in Minneapolis, because most people know what the Presbyterians decide, declare, don't do, etc. won't impact their lives one iota.

The question begs to be asked, then what is the purpose of the gatherings?

That's a really great question to ask.

We have been doing General Assemblies and meetings in a particular way now for decades - and dare I say it?...for centuries.

It may be quite appropriate to ask, "What is the point of our gatherings?"

And perhaps, the most important question to be asked, "Is Christ glorified, is Christ magnified, does the light of Christ shine any brighter because thousands of Presbyterians gathered, spent thousands upon thousands of hours, spending millions of dollars for a group of Presbyterians to gather to make decisions that make little to no impact?"

Many decisions will be made - some decisions, some groups of people will love, and some will declare as apostate.

There will be many declarations - some which will be applauded, and some which will be deemed deplorable.

And the crazy thing is that the same decisions and actions that are deplorable and apostate to one group of Presbyterians is cheered and welcomed by another.

But you know what, no matter what the General Assembly of the PC(USA) does or doesn't do will have minimal impact in the thousands of congregations that call themselves Presbyterian.

As far as The Little Church on the Prairie goes, and as far as your particular congregation in your particular community goes, just continue on doing your very best to glorify and magnify the risen Christ as you allow God to use you to shine the light of Jesus Christ brightly in your communities.

The PC(USA) and denominations like us need a major overhaul - where the central purpose for any gathering ought to be the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ in an ever growing pluralistic, secular, non-Christian world.

1 comment:

teacher_deb said...

Amen and Amen. What can we gain by meetings and committees and going on and on for our own particular reasons if we forget the most basic thing we are supposed to be doing is loving God and loving people through his son Jesus? As the church as a whole looks at the issue of gays in the ordained clergy, I hope that they can look through the eyes of Christ and REALLY think about how Jesus( for reals and truely) would have handled the same issues.
We live in a fallen and downward moving era...Satan(the world, wickedness, evil, what ever you call it) has the ears of the masses. What can we do to get right with God and the world?
Pray unceasingly and love abuntantly. Use understanding a listening heart. Think outside ourselves, outside our families, outside the walls of our little haven of LCOP, think about intentially impacting the world with love and the grace of Jesus. Starting right in the heart of Lakewood!
Wow ... what a lot to accomplish..it is so hard!
Pray for me and I will pray for you as you go to the GA. May many be blessed...